Pakistan Research Center Xuzhou Normal University
Ⅰ.Back Ground:
Pakistan and China, linked by the same mountains and rivers, closely related and mutually dependent, share a long history of friendly communication. Since established in May 1951, the two countries have maintained good neighborly relations which withstood the vicissitudes of domestic, regional and international environment, remaining as firm as the rock. With the passage of time, Sino-Pakistan relations touched new heights of cordiality. The year of 2011 is the 60th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations of China and Pakistan. Just like the peoples from both countries always said, the Sino-Pakistan relationship is "sweeter than honey, deeper than the ocean and taller than the mountains"; "even more valuable than gold and jades"; "we are the real good neighbor, friends, partners as well as brothers". This type of all-weather, multi-directional strategic partnership cooperation relationship has become a model of international relationships, which can be used as reference for the entire world, worth our further research and study. As one of the most advanced and developed provinces of China in economy and education, Jiangsu Province has the closest and deepest connection in economy, education and culture with Pakistan. As we all know, Punjab Province of Pakistan and Jiangsu Province of China have become the sister-ship provinces. In order to enhance the exchange and cooperation between Jiangsu universities and overseas universities, Xuzhou Normal University established Pakistan Research Center on March 25, 2011, making contributions to the Sino-Pakistan friendship.

Ⅱ.Structure and Fuctions of Center
At present, Pakistan Research Center has 20 full and part time researchers, in addition to 6 senior consultants from the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and People’s Daily working for the center. Professor Sun Hongqi, Director of Pakistan Research Centre Director of Pakistan Research Center is Professor Sun Hongqi, graduated from Peking University as PhD in history major, the vice secretary general of China’s Association of African Studies, the Deputy Director of Graduate Office and the Superintendent Asia-Africa Institute of Xuzhou Normal University. At present, he is also a standing committee member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Jiangsu province, vice-chairman of CPPCC of Xuzhou, a standing committee member of CAPD of Jiangsu province, chairman of CAPD of Xuzhou. He has published 2 monographs, dozens of papers in influential academic journals home and abroad, chaired three nationally and provincially Social Grand-fund Projects, and won one Outstanding Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievement Award of Jiangsu Province. while engaging in academic studies, exchanging information with Pakistani teachers and students, palying an important consultant role for the government, the center will try its best to bridge between Chinese and Pakistani enterprises. The research scopes of Pakistan Research Center mainly focus on three areas: (1) Pakistan’s history, language, culture, religion and social relations. (2) Pakistan’s economy and Sino-Pakistan economy and trade relation. (3) Pakistan’s domestic and overseas political situations. According to its functions, the center has three research branches: Branch 1, research of Pakistan’s history, language & culture, religion and social relations research. This branch functions as a platform to carry out social science collaborations such as history, language and culture, exchange teachers and students, mutual accredit diplomas, and hold joint programs. Branch 2, research of Pakistan’s economy and Sino-Pakistan economy and trade relation. This branch will study Pakistan’s trade and investment policies, and help to corporate in the area of economy and technology. Based on field study, enterprises from two countries can work together to push forward the collaboration of the cities, even the provinces in all aspects. Branch 3, research of Pakistan’s domestic and overseas political situations. This branch will study Pakistan’s domestic politics’ history, current situation and future trend, and discuss the strategic cooperative relations with the background of globalization, so as to provide valuable consultation and information to decision makers of two sides.

III.Objectives of Centre
With three years development, Pakistan Research Centre aims to encourage substantive communication and mutual cooperation, to contribute to be the national key research centre in Jiangsu province, and to function as an important collaboration platform between China and Pakistan. Ⅳ.Recently Activities of Center 1. Counsellor Zamir Ahmed Awan and Attaché Danyal Gilani representing Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in China visited Xuzhou Normal University on Jan 14-16, 2011. 2. President Ren Ping of Xuzhou Normal University participated National Day reception memorizing the 60th anniversary of founding of Pakistan, and met with Mr. Mohammad Masood Khan, ambassador of Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 3. President Ren Ping of Xuzhou Normal University met with Counsellor Zamir Ahmed Awan from Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in China and delegation of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. 4. To celebrate 60th anniversary of establishment of China and Pakistan’s diplomatic relationship, the center has successfully opened a column of “Pakistan Study” in Journal of Xuzhou Normal University, and fixed it as a regular and unique column on the third and fifth version annually. 5. The center has collected and edited all the domestic articles named Pakistan’s Study Article Assemble regarding Pakistan’s study for the 60 years and has had it published. 6. The center staff’s researching results Pakistan’s Study Memoir Column I has been sent to the press, and will be published as the center’s regular journal annually. Now, the center has more than 600 volumes of books and materials. 7. The center’s website is constructing. 8. The educational administration of Jiangsu Province will sponsor the center inviting Pakistani scholar in next three years.
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